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Infrastructure (sanitation, waste water, sewage, drainage, toilets, hygiene)
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Infrastructure (general)
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Roads and bridges

Remarkable Journey Towards Sanitation, by Shyam P Lohani (rn 03/12/2023)

Promoting Citywide Inclusive Sanitation, by Jhabindra Bhandari (rn 12/07/2023)

Promoting WASH In Health Care Facilities (rn 25/01/2023)

Promote Public Toilets Nationwide, by Balaram Sharmna Chaulagain (rn 20/08/2022)

Build public toilets : All the local levels must allocate a fair amount of annual budget for building public toilets (ht 09/08/2022)

Thirty-three businesses sign up to open their toilets to public : With the agreement, 250 toilets belonging to various businesses and organisations will be run for public use (kp 22/06/2022)

‘Low-quality sanitary pads have health impacts on women’ : Bring a national program for free, biodegradables and reusable pads to all the women and girls in the communities and schools: MHM PA  (nlt 19/06/2022)

The politics of public toilets : Experts and users say public toilet designs must evolve to become all-inclusive spaces with equitable access, by Aakriti Ghimire (kp 14/06/2022)

KMC to operate 10 smart toilets at the earliest (kh 12/06/2022)

The nightmare of unclean loos : Let yours truly put his nightmare in brief: Shabby public toilets located in a dark underbelly of a decaying city, by Devendra Gautam (ae 10/02/2022)

‘Hygiene facilities need to be accessible to all:’ Tripti Rai, Country Director, Water Aid Nepal. "We need to respect the right to water and sanitation of everybody in the country. We also need to value the services we get because we have an unequal reach of the services." (nlt 12/01/2022)

Sustainable Sanitation for all, by Prakash Amatya (rep 19/11/2021) [see video]

Open Defecation Still Widely Practised In Nepal, by Mahima Devkota (rn 19/11/2021)

Woes in capital city: People flow in the sewers, no one takes responsibility, by Milan Dahal (kh 29/09/2021)

A Kathmandu-based social enterprise is reimagining public toilets : Unlike many public toilets in the Valley, Aerosan Sustainable Sanitation’s public lavatories have automatic faucets, functioning flushes, and are run by professional cleaners, by Srizu Bajracharya (kp 02/09/2021), Toilet: An urban tragedy. To pee or not to pee—that is the existential dilemma we face in our public lavatories (kp 03/09/2021)

Paradigm shift to the menstrual cup : This budding product is far better than other menstrual products, by Kribina Pathak (kp 19/03/2021)

Shops occupy city’s pay toilet and bath facility : Officials at the Kathmandu Metropolitan City say they are unaware of the matter, by Anup Ojha (kp 22/02/2021)

Water and sanitation: Why they are vital for Nepal’s economy, by Catarina de Albuquerque (ht 03/12/2020)

Remove the ‘luxury tax’ to overcome  period poverty in Nepal : Nepal should stop charging value added tax on menstrual products to make them more affordable, by Jesselina Rana and Shubhangi Rana (kp 18/11/2020)

Incomplete integrated model settlement handed over to impoverished families : The model settlement in Gramthan Rural Municipality, an open defecation-free local  unit in Morang district, does not have any toilets, by Deo Narayan Sah (kp 08/11/2020)

Smart toilets being built in Rupandehi, by Rekha Bhusal (rep 18/03/2020)

Thamel offers everything to foreign tourists, but lacks a very basic thing: A public toilet: Officials at Thamel Development Council say the land is too expensive to construct public restrooms, by Anup Ojha (kp 01/03/2020), Win or loos: Nepal needs to invest in more public toilets: The lack of toilets in Thamel is symptomatic of a larger issue—of the lack of focus on public hygiene (kp 02/03/2020)

Public toilets to be built at heritage sites, marketplaces (ht 01/02/2020)

For lack of latrines, people in Bajhang are relieving themselves outdoors: It’s been three and a half months since PM KP Sharma Oli declared the country ‘Open Defecation Free’, by Basanta Pratap Singh (kp 17/01/2020)

Education Minister launches sanitary pad distribution without preparation: The local governments, which are supposed to procure and distribute the pads, have yet to get the budget, by Binod Ghimire (kp 01/01/2020), Free sanitary pads for adolescent schoolgirls (ht 02/01/2020)

Without proper sanitation facilities, girls keep missing school during menstruation: While menstrual taboos already lead girls to miss school, a lack of water and sanitation at schools only pushes them to stay away, by Elisha Shrestha (kp 31/12/2019)

A Musahar settlement in Rautahat lacks land to build toilets: Local government-run open defecation free programme fails to take off, by Shiva Puri (kp 21/12/2019)

KMC develops 20 designs for public toilets (ht 20/11/2019)

When nature calls, where do you go in Kathmandu? The city utterly lacks public toilets, and if there are some, they are disgusting and they stink, by Anup Ojha (kp 19/11/2019)

There is a significant dearth of public toilets in Nepal: The country is yet to have concrete policies and guidelines to deal with an issue that could very well cause a public health crisis, by Kribina Pathak (kp 12/11/2019)

Women-friendly toilet in city stressed (ht 12/11/2019)

Lack of functional toilets in Mayadevi temple area compels Lumbini visitors to relieve themselves in the open: Infrastructure was built for four well-equipped toilets in the area but lack of a plan on how to operate them has rendered them unusable, by Manoj Poudel (kp 11/11/2019)

Valley locals are turning to gods to combat littering and urination: Communities have discovered that putting up images of Hindu deities on public walls prevents garbage dumping, open defecation and public urination, by Anup Ojha (kp 23/10/2019)

Lack of toilets pushes people to poop, pee in public spaces in Taulihawa: Busy spaces like Nayatol, Gaudhichowk, Chowk Bazaar, Bhikshu Chowk, Prasashan Karayala Chowk and Jamuwar Chowk do not have public toilets, by Manoj Paudel (kp 22/10/209)

Nepal declared open defecation free, but people are still relieving themselves outdoors: Many households in the Tarai districts do not have toilets due to financial constraints and lack of land, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 01/10/2019), Can Nepal remain open-defecation free? Declaring Nepal open defecation-free is easy. The real challenge is keeping it so, by Kribrina Pathak (kp 01/10/2019) [The simple declaration is already fake, just like most of Trump's statements!], Oli ridiculed as Nepal completes rituals of open-defecation free nation, by Aditi Baral (rep 01/10/2019), Glory Of Attaining ODF Status, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 03/10/2019)

Kathmandu has been declared open defecation free, but people are still pooping on the streets: Sanitation experts and even city officials themselves say there is nothing substantial behind the declaration, by Anup Ojha (kp 19/09/2019), Kathmandu has been declared open defecation-free, maybe prematurely: At present, there are only 37 public toilets in Kathmandu. Given this, the claim that Kathmandu is now open-defecation free sounds bogus (kp 19/09/2019)

As government rushes to declare country open defecation free, concerns remain: Experts say one toilet per household alone will not prevent deaths from waterborne diseases unless efforts are made to improve overall sanitation, by Arjun Poudel (kp 25/08/2019)

KMC to be ODF even without enough public toilets (ht 14/08/2019)

Why Nepal's open defecation free campaign hasn't worked: With 11 districts yet to achieve open defecation free status, the government is unlikely to meet its September target, by Nayak Paudel (kp 01/08/2019)

Pashupatinath is the richest shrine in the country, but it has stinking toilets that nobody wants to use: The Pashupati Development Trust had brought 23 portable toilets two months ago to facilitate the public, but they are sitting idle at the office’s premises, helping no one, by Anup Ojha (kp 20/07/2019)

Meeting The ODF Target, by Uttam Maharjan (rn 18/07/2019)

Despite spending millions on fixing its drainage system, Nepalgunj inundated by sewage, by Arjun Oli (rep 10/07/2019)

Locals of Patan worried about sewage backflow during monsoon: Despite the problem recurring for over a decade, authorities have done little to solve drainage problems in the area, by Anup Ojha (kp 09/07/2019)

Govt to declare Nepal ODF country by September 30 (ht 06/07/2019) [How ridiculous!]

KMC to build over 40 'smart' toilets within next fiscal year, by Aditi Baral (rep 05/07/2019)

Latrines lie useless in Gaushala, one of Mahottari’s ODF villages: The place was declared an open defecation-free area four years ago, by Sunita Baral (kp 23/06/2019)

Out in the open: Constructing toilets alone won’t solve open defecation issues (kp 10/06/2019)

600 houses without toilets in Birgunj: Authorities say a lack of building materials has delayed the construction of toilets, by Shankar Acharya (kp 09/06/2019)

Chitwan company launches Nepal’s first disposable eco sanitary pads, by Krishana Prasain and Pramita Dhakal (kp 22/05/2019)

Trust to instal 23 portable toilets on Pashupati premisesThe portable lavatories are expected to come handy during major festivals when the area is overwhelmed with visitors, by Anup Ojha (kp 17/05/2019)

Parsa struggles to receive open defecation free tag, by Shankar Acharya (kp 06/05/2019)

Toilet trained expert: A Nepali researcher is on a mission to make smart toilets accessible to the world’s poor, by Sonia Awale (nt 01/03/2019)

Toilet talk: The Valley’s public toilets are in woeful sanitary conditions (kp 01/02/2019), 57 public toilets for millions of people in KMC, by Shuvam Dhungana (rep 03/02/2019), KMC to build 284 public toilets across city, by Shuvam Dhungana (rep 05/02/2019)

63 districts declared open defacation free zones (kp 27/01/2019)

Bring toilets at petrol pumps to public use, say stakeholders (ht 27/01/2019)

KMC declares new far-fetched target: Promises to build ‘smart public toilets’ in a city devoid of public lavatories, by Anup Ojha (kp 24/01/2019)

LDT launches e-toilet in Lumbini (kp 08/10/2018)

Access to drinking water enables villages to focus on sanitation, by Dinesh Subedi (rep 16/08/2018)

Musahars start using toilet four years after Udayapur attained ODF status, by Maheshwor Chamling Rai (rep 20/06/2018)

Toilet trained: As Nepal reaches the goal of sanitation for all, the next health challenge is to make latrines hygienic (nt 08/06/2018)

Where to take a dump: Building toilets is all well and good, but what happens to the sludge?, by Bhushan Tuladhar (nt 08/06/2018)

Holy stink! Piles of pooh litter Mt Everest, by Rajan Pokhrel (ht 25/05/2018)

Menstrual hygiene policy on the cards (ht 25/05/2018)

Public toilets in sorry state (ht 11/04/2018), Let’s talk toilets: The Valley so utterly lacks public toilets that for many it’s a tough time when they have to answer a pressing call of nature (ht 12/04/2018)

Bidur Municipality to attain ODF status, by Bhagwati Lama (rep 10/04/2018)

Local women launch sanitation campaign (ht 06/04/2018)

Kankai Municipality declared ODF zone in Jhapa (ht 20/02/2018)

No toilets for Dalits in ODF Rukum, by Ganesh BK (20/02/2018)

No toilet in govt offices of Laxmipur-Patari Municipality (ht 11/02/2018)

Toilet tale: In the schools with separate toilets for girls, the attendance rate is high. In those where such facilities are lacking, many girls do not come to school during menstruation, by Ishwar Rauniyar (rep 31/01/2018)

Poor locals under pressure to build latrines, by Byas Shankar Upadhyay (ht 13/01/2018)

Dom families in Saptari have no land to build latrines (ht 28/12/2017)

Separate toilets at school recommended to help education of girls (rep 01/12/2017)

2.6 million Nepalis still lack toilet, by Anup Ojha (kp 21/11/2017), Government unlikely to meet ODF target (ht 22/11/2017)

Understanding hygeine: Rural Nepalis have to be made to understand the benefits of using  toilets over open defecation for wider adoption and acceptance, by Anisha Bhattarai (kp 03/11/2017)

36,000 families in jhapa don’t have Toilets (kp 25/09/2017)

School girls build toilet on their own, by Jagat Khadka (rep 19/09/2017)

Deadly deluge: Harvesting flood waters and recharging Kathmandu’s depleting aquifers will turn a crisis into an opportunity, by Navin Singh Khadka (kp 28/07/2017)

‘Water supply, sewerage systems need restructuring’, by Rupesh Acharya (ht 23/07/2017)

Sanitation must for nation-building: Govt (ht 14/07/2017)

Jhapa rural municipality declared ODF zone (ht 14/07/2017)

Capital trails in open defecation free mission: 38 districts so far have been declared ODF zones since 2011 when the campaign was launched, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 30/06/2017)

KMC to build 300 public conveniences (kp 22/06/2017)

Local levels told to make ODF campaign more effective (ht 07/06/2017)

Risk of Bagmati sanitation being undone persists, by Anup Ojha (kp 14/04/2017)

ODF drive a huge challenge in Saptari (ht 13/04/2017)

A Dalit caste’s struggle for toilet, by Madan Thakur (rep 06/04/2017)

Valley lacks adequate number of public toilets (ht 01/04/2017)

Open defecation still a scourge in Valley (ht 27/02/2017)

Women complain of lack of toilets with proper facilities in public places, by Anita Shrestha (ht 25/03/2017)

Rukum children run sanitation campaign (ht 14/03/2017)

Govt plan stresses need for wastewater treatment plants (ht 13/03/2017)

Water supply, sanitation coverage remains stagnant (ht 09/03/2017), Water coverage: Questions of the levels of improved water supply and sanitation remain, as regards quality, quantity and regularity (ht 10/03/2017)

‘One house one toilet’ campaign hits snag (ht 23/02/2017)

Water crisis gives rise to open defecation problem, by Purna BK (kp 22/02/2017)

Zonta hands over toilets to Pashupati dev trust (kp 21/02/2017)

Dirty loos at hospital raise concern (ht 17/02/2017)

Condition of public toilets remain same despite hike in budget, by Ruhee Shrestha (rep 13/02/2017)

Open defecation in Everest poses risk of health hazard, by Radha Dhungana (rep 09/02/2017)

Rautahat VDCs declared Open Defaecation Free zone sans toilets (ht 05/01/2017)

KMC to build 48  public toilets: The new public toilets, each costing around  Rs 2.2 million, will be built under the public private partnership, by Anup Ojha (kp 21/12/2016)

23 pc of kavre families sans toilets (kp 15/12/2016)

Mobile toilets becoming popular in Valley (ht 04/12/2016)

When nature calls …, by Sabitra Dhakal (ht 03/12/2016)

‘Disabled-friendly public toilets needed’ (ht 25/11/2016)

Public toilets of no use to visually impaired (ht 20/11/2016)

Govt not quite in tempo to meet  2017 universal basic sanitation goal (kp 19/11/2016)

43pc of Nepal’s urban population lacks access to toilet, says report (ht 19/11/2016)

Water, sanitation projects launched (ht 05/11/2016)

38 districts yet to attain ODF status (ht 05/11/2016)

Valley lacks adequate, clean public toilets (ht 02/10/2016)

MoFALD makes septic tank mandatory for all houses (ht 29/09/2016)

Still more to do: To make the ODF zones campaign a success public awareness and development of required infrastructure must go side by side (ht 23/09/2016)

Toilet talk: The Open Defecation Free campaign sounds impressive, but little has changed on the ground, by Radha Paudel (kp 14/07/2016)

Salvaging sewage: Given the right conditions, wastewater treatment can be made both profitable and environmentally conscious at the same time, by Sneha Pandey (rep 10/06/2016)

The basic sanitation mission: Celebrating the 17th national sanitation action week in Nepal, by Dinesh Kharel (rep 03/06/2016)

Public toilets in Valley in poor condition (ht 05/05/2016)

Missed opportunities: A forced levy on public toilets can only drive the poor to nearest and most convenient open space, by Shyam KC (kp 25/03/2016)

Women prefer to avoid Kathmandu's public toilets, by Isha Pandey (rep 18/02/2016)

Toilet talk: We need to break the silence and talk about our defecation habits and how they affect our everyday life, by Bicram Rijal (kp 19/11/2015)

Stench from leaking drainage irks public (kp 13/09/2015)

Out in the open: The state should deliver sanitation services just as it expects its citizens to build toilets, by Bicram Rijal (kp 10/09/2015)

Raise investment: Lack of funding has placed water and sanitation under risk, by Govind Shrestha (rep 13/08/2015)

Call to include right to safe water, sanitation in statute (kp 23/03/2015)

Kathmandu faces faecal sludge mgmt challenge (kp 17/03/2015)

Lawmakers pledge to ensure water, sanitation (ht 17/03/2015)

Eco-friendly toilet fails to impress, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 19/02/2015)

Toilet construction drive picks up pace in Dolakha, by Rajendra Manandhar (kp 25/01/2015)

ODF zone sans single toilet (ht 23/01/2015)

Open defecation free in name only, by Narahari Sapkota (rep 19/01/2015)

Sanitation, Justice And Development, by Bishesh Aryal (sp 16/01/2015)

Govt steps up sanitation drive in Tarai districts, by Suresh Yadav (rep 03/01/2015)
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