Nepal Research
Website on Nepal and Himalayan Studies

Infrastructure (architecture, housing, building)
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Infrastructure (general)
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Now is the time to effectively implement the Nepal Building Code’, interview with Suresh Hada, Senior Engineer (nlt 22/11/2023)

Safety Measures Missing In Construction Sector, by Umesh Puri (rn 14/07/2023)

Disappearing Himalayan architecture : As modernity rushes in, the construction of traditionally styled houses in East Rukum has decreased significantly, by Mahesh KC (kp 20/04/2023)

Promoting Hollow Brick : BEEN Project has been launched to facilitate the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient, and circular building sector, by Keshab Poudel (sp 24/03/2023)

Some see cultural shift in vanishing clay tile roofs : Rising incomes from foreign jobs are tempting people to adopt modern housing, putting ‘Madhesh heritage’ at risk, by Santosh Singh (kp 20/03/2023))

The risks of renting rooms online in Kathmandu : Internet might have made hunt for a rental room easier, but it has also helped fraudsters profit off those in need, by Aarati Baral (kp 30/01/2023)

As climate crisis worsens, people in the mountains are opting for concrete structures : The traditional mud-and-stone houses are no longer effective against bouts of rainfall and droughts, forcing locals to look for options, by Arjun Poudel (kp 08/12/2022)

The history of heritage : Which building style deserves protection changes with time, by Ashish Dhakal (nt 22/04/2022)

Conference of Asia Shelter Forum begins today (kh 25/11/2021)

110,000 beneficiaries signed housing grant agreement in FY 2020-21 (ht 17/09/2021)

Housing project for Bote families in limbo : The budget for the People’s Housing Programme froze due to negligence of authorities, beneficiaries say, by Pratap Bista (kp 30/08/2021)

More than 800 homes under People’s Housing Programme still incomplete : Around 5,000 families in Rautahat have been affected by the delay. Officials say they lack funds to finish the homes, by Shiva Puri (kp 20/08/2021)

Ensure construction of disaster-resilient house: MoFAGA (ht 11/07/2021)

Nepal’s beauty is eroding : How can we complain about ugly buildings when Nepalis individually do not care about the rules?, by Sujeev Shakya (kp 09/02/2021)

Grant to aid rebuilding of monsoon-damaged houses (kp 30/01/2021)

Government updates National Building Code (ht 13/08/2020)

Stadium construction continues despite the use of substandard material, by Rajan Gaunle (ae 07/08/2020)

Protecting Kathmandu’s historic roofscape: Preserving tiles saves Nepal's architectural heritage, but is also climate-friendly, by Anne Feenstra (nt 13/09/2019)

Lo-manthang losing its originality to concrete structures, by Dhana Basnet (rep 08/09/2019)

Kathmandu metropolis and federal government agency spar over building codes: Experts say it’s not only jurisdiction issue, as it can have far-reaching implications, by Prithvi Man Shrestha (kp 16/05/2019)

Building safe homes: Local governments should take initiative for implementing building codes and by-laws. They should also monitor compliance of those laws, by Keshab Sharma (rep 25/04/2019)

Newari architecture: Where are we headed?, by Kamal K Maharjan (ht 16/04/2019)

City’s new building code draws flak from heritage experts: A provision in the controversial code introduced by the Kathmandu Metropolitan City allows the construction of one-storey  basement for personal parking or storage purposes, by Anup Ojha (kp 03/02/2019)

Even govt offices are not disabled-friendly, by Bira Gadal (rep 18/08/2018)

Save our architecture: Local culture represents Nepali architecture. But under influence of western architecture we seem to be losing our own, by Rakshya Basnet (rep 27/07/2018)

MoUD tells local levels to strictly follow basic building standards (ht 13/07/2018)

Changing landscape: The architectural landscape in hill districts hit by the  earthquakes is fast changing with a majority of the new homes being built with brick, concrete and tin, by Suvechchhya Pradhan (kp 28/04/2018)

Academy opens to teach Newari architecture (kp 27/04/2018)

Experts know best: Building plans account for seismic resilience, but lack of experts overseeing construction undermines efforts, by Cara Buchan (kp 19/02/2018)

The history of Dachi Appa and Ma appa bricks, by Sophia L. Pande (kp 18/02/2018)

Most govt buildings in Paanchthar built against criteria, by Giriraj Baskota (rep 24/01/2018)

Construction sans approval of blueprints: Nepali Army not complying with national laws, by Ujjqal Satyal (ht 23/01/2018)

People not building quake-resilient houses, by Yogesh Rawal (rep 17/01/2018)

Safe and secure: Earthbag building techniques may be the best way to ensure disaster resistant homes in rural Nepal, by Bardia Ahey (kp 05/11/2017)

Nepal’s tall buildings: Fire safety concerns, by Ananta R. Baidya (ht 03/08/2017)

KMC to monitor building works: Says many flouting the criteria set by metropolis (kp 30/07/2017)

Designing a city without designing buildings, by Bijaya K. Shrestha (ht 15/07/2017)

Safety concerns in high-rise blocks: KMC has permitted 16-storey building when it can fight fires only up to the tenth floor, by Chandan Kumar Mandal (kp 18/06/2017), Playing with fire: Huge shortcomings make it tough to contain fire in Kathmandu’s high-rise buildings (kp 21/06/2017)

Is architecture alive? Many losses go unreported and unrealised by rescuers and planners, by Abhi Subedi (kp 11/06/2017)

National building code: 94pc of houses in Kathmandu unsafe, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 28/04/2017)

KMC to inspect houses to enforce building code (kp 22/04/2017)

Vertigo in the Valley: The earthquakes, many assumed, were a death knell for high-rise apartments of the Capital. But with the initial shock and fear receding, has the sector bounced back?, by Aagat Ruchi Sapkota (kp 22/04/2017)

Retrofitting guidelines to be unveiled, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 22/04/2017)

Attention engineers: New buildings are coming up all over, but most are not accessible to disabled people, by Simone Galimberti (kp 30/03/2017)

Under-construction govt offices defying building code (ht 13/02/2017)

Wrecking ball: Replacing traditional residential homes with new concrete  structures might seem convenient, but what are its real costs?, by Barsha Chitrakar (kp 04/02/2017)

KMC inspection team begins on-site monitoring of under-construction houses (kp 03/02/2017)

Doti government offices defying building code (ht 30/01/2017)

Stick to code: Due to lack of adequate open spaces in the city areas many died from crumbling buildings in the recent earthquakes (ht 17/01/2017)

Let’s think about ecoconstruction: It is possible to build earthquake-resistant houses with local resources at a low price, by Elina Fronty and Kenza Bezzaz (kp 20/12/2016)

Lalitpur launching e-BPS starting today: The electronic-building permit system is part of the e-governance initiative of the government in  collaboration with UND (kp 17/12/2016)

Demand for flats flattens out: The earthquake not only shook Kathmandu’s tall apartment buildings, but also people’s confidence in them, by Rameshwar Bohara (nt 16/12/2016)

Understanding resilience: Simply incorporating the term in the local lexicon without unpacking its tenets could render the concept meaningless, by Ajaya Dixt, Kanmani Venkasteswaran and Ashutosh Shukla (kp 17/10/2016)

85 per cent houses without building completion certificate (ht 18/09/2016)

Govt to enforce building code in all 217 municipalities and urbanizing VDCs (ht 13/09/2016)

Building strong: We need to follow proper building protocols to make our structures resilient to natural disasters, by Kishore Thapa (kp 04/09/2016)

MoFALD directs municipalities to implement building code (ht 12/08/2016)

Municipalities told to furnish details of houses flouting code (ht 04/07/2016)

New buildings flouting code to be refused utilities (kht 23/06/2016)

Pruscha’s Kathmandu Valley: His inventory prepared during 1970-1975 introduces a visionary plan for the preservation of Nepali architecture, by Abhi Subedi (kp 12/06/2016)

Building code mandatory in towns, VDCs with over 10,000 people (kp 08/06/2016)

Report calls for disability-friendly building code (ht 28/05/2016)

Most govt buildings sans KMC approval, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 25/03/2016)

Building better cities: There is still a looming possibility that if building codes continue to be ignored, as they have been in the past due to both corruption and laxness, Kathmandu will not fare well in the next big one, by Sophia L. Pandey (kp 13/03/2016)

High-rises reluctant to submit details of earthquake impact, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 14/02/2016)

Masons trained to build quake-resilient homes, by Aash Gurung (kp 08/02/2016)

Built smart: there are many different measures for housing  that are economically viable and technically safe, by Kantish Sharma (kp 31/01/2016)

It takes a village: An inspiring story is unfolding in a Jyapu settlement in the north-east corner of Patan, and it is making headlines for all the right reasons, by Akriti Shilpakar (kp 30/01/2016)

Alternative post quake housing: Rebuilding homes that are safer, environmentally friendlier - and cheaper, by Sahina Shrestha (nt 15/01/2016), Rebuilding new structures using old tradition: Two communities in Lalitpur lead the way in post-earthquake rehabilitation, by Sahina Shrestha (nt 15/01/2016)

Locals unaware of better designs (kp 13/01/2016)

Experts: Engineers should be responsible, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 11/01/2016)

17 earthquake-resistant house designs proposed (kp 25/12/2015)

Quake-resistant house designs published (ht 19/12/2015)

Shortage of construction materials: KMC sees no decrease in building permit applications (kp 26/11/2015)

Old Bus Park area to have country’s tallest building (kp 12/11/2015) [Nothing learnt??]

School building codes approved (kp 12/11/2015)

Enforcement building code, govt tells local units (ht 01/11/2015)

Govt brings new building bylaws: Experts say that some little tweaks in building bylaws will reduce the risk of houses collapsing with each other (kp 28/10/2015)

Fractured structures: Govt’s new directive for quake-affected buildings should be executed honestly (kp 29/09/2015)

Earthquake-affected buildings operation permit directive 2015: Government may order demolition of earthquake-damaged buildings, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 26/09/2015)

Safer homes: We should strictly enforce the National Building Code to minimize the future earthquake risks, by Dinesh Kharel (rep 15/09/2015)

Building construction code: Guideline to come into effect from next week, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 11/09/2015)

KMC opting for prefab buildings, by Thomas Bogaty (ht 20/08/2015)

Govt issues construction guidelines (kp 18/08/2015), Future structures: Govt must monitor the implementation of the new building codes (kp 18/08/2015)

Building guidelines: No house on plots smaller than 2.8 annas (kp 15/08/2015)

Revised building code to be introduced soon (ht 11/08/2015)

‘75 pc discount for rebuilding completely damaged structures’ (ht 09/08/2015)

Prefab pulls in crowds at Safe Home Expo (kp 08/08/2015)

Report highlights causes of building collapse: Recommends various ways to improve safety of structures (ht 25/07/2015)

The high life: he earthquake hasn’t deterred families living in tall apartments from living there, by Sahina Shrestha (nt 24/07/2015)

KMC for third party verification of new buildings: Houses required to get checked by licensed engineer, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 19/07/2015)

All for safety: Effective implementation of the national building code is the best option to minimize earthquake risk in Nepal, by Dinesh Kharel (rep 10/07/2015)

Govt lifts construction moratorium (kp 25/06/2015), Govt relaxes provisions on house construction ban: Design based on soil tests and soil bearing capacity must for multi-storeyed structures, by Ramesh Shrestha (ht 25/06/2015)

Govt tosses out plan to limit building storeys, by Roshan Sedhai (kp 24/06/2015)

Govt seeks technical study of highrises soon: To decide on whether or not to demolish structures after developers submit reports (ht 22/06/2015)

Growing interest in prefab houses, by Sanjeev Giri (kp 21/06/2015)

Govt to amend building code, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 15/06/2015)

5,000 Pokhara houses found not complying with building code (ht 15/06/2015)

Policy on reconstruction, by Kai Weise (ht 13/06/2015)

Building code limited only to paper in far-west: Eighteen of the 21 municipalities in districts of the far-west region are yet to implement the building code (ht 11/06/2015)

House committee for 16-foot road: The committee has asked the government to halt construction of private houses before the new standard is set (kp 10/06/2015)

Kneejerk reaction: The recent decision to limit residential buildings to two storeys is an impractical measure, by Hemant Arjyal (kp 07/06/2015)

Rebuilding Sustainably, by Sophia Pande (kp 06/06/2015), Hacking the quake The founders of the HackTheQuake competition are seeking innovative, out-of-the-box thinkers who can come up with solutions for rebuilding the nation, by Dipti Sherchan (kp 06/06/2015)

Building code not implemented in Pokhara (ht 05/06/2015)

‘It’s safe to build high-rise apartments in Kathmandu’ (ht 30/05/2015) [??]

Revised NBC by the end of fiscal (ht 30/05/2015)

Fix the mess in construction sector, by Ritu Raj Subedi (rn 24/05/2015)

Safe houses: After the earthquake, prefabricated houses enjoying greater acceptance and demand in Nepal, by Karuna Neupane Subedi (ht 24/05/2015)

Implement the building code, by Bishnu Gautam (kp 22/05/2015)

Tallest Valley house may be three-storeyed, by Roshan Sedhai (kp 11/05/2015)

Pullahari: The monastery and its architectural influences, by Sophia Pande (kp 15/03/2015)

Baidya Chowk folks living in dilapidated houses, by Thomas Bogaty (ht 03/02/2015)

City architecture: Metropolis set to implement heritage house conservation policy, by Gaurav Thapa (kp 30/01/2015)

Indigenous versus modern: Building with cultural features, by Dipendra Gautam (ht 07/01/2015)
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